Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thankful for What I DO HAVE

Christmas shopping…oh how I despise thee. Let me count the ways!

For those of you who don’t pay much attention, there are less than 100 days until Christmas. That’s a whopping 14 weeks to get your butts in gear and prepare for it.

As a kid, I used to LOVE this time of year. Putting up the tree and making a list of things I want. Getting presents, did I mention getting presents?

As an adult, it is almost the exact opposite. I always put emphasis on the reason we celebrate Christmas in my home. That it is about Jesus. I don’t make my kids go without presents, but I also don’t spend thousands. That is just ridiculous

I want my children to have nice things, all parents do. But more than that I want them to have a sense of morals. I do not want to raise children who think that the world owes them something. There are enough of those kinds of heathens running around as it is. I want children who are respectful and thankful for the things that they have in this life. For there are so many that do not have anything. I read a friends Facebook post this morning and she was emphasizing that not one of us should complain about any hardships that we might be enduring. That somewhere in the world there are people who are fighting to live. Struggling to find food and water and the basic necessities that we all take for granted. It made me realize that I have been blessed more than I deserve. I have a roof over my head, a job, I live in the greatest country in this world, I have freedom of religion and speech. Reading that was very humbling. Sometimes we forget, or I know I do, that we have so much.  I heard a song on the radio this morning that fits this subject well. The lyrics said “I don’t want to gain the world and lose my soul”.  Priorities.

This year I think that I am going to let my kids pick a charity or foundation and we will be making a donation at Christmas. I want them to do their part. To be a shining light for someone who has been living in darkness.   This will be their contribution to teach them that not everyone in this world has a life like theirs. And that somewhere some child is wishing for just a fraction of what they have and take for granted on a daily basis.

I am challenging each and every one of you to do the same. It doesn't even have to be money that you give. Sometimes sacrificing your time is more important than money could ever be. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, give your old winter coats to those less fortunate than you; Do something!! Don't let this opportunity to be a blessing to someone else go by. You never know what just a small contribution to you can mean to someone else.

So, I will leave you today with these thoughts to chew on and a scripture for you to look up. Acts 20:35.


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