Friday, October 11, 2013

Loan companies don’t care about you as an individual.

We all know that we should steer clear of payday loans. (If you don’t…please read previous post about them). But what about long term loans like car and home loans. The loan companies that offer these types of
loans can be just as crooked and shady as the payday loan folks.
If you have bad credit, you pretty much are sentenced to a life lived without new nice things. That’s just how it is. No matter if you messed up your life when you were straight out of high school, you now are still paying for mistakes made then.

Loan companies don’t care about you as an individual. That is just the cold hard truth. I personally, have a horrible credit score. I had too many credit cards at the ripe age of 18 that I didn’t pay for. Boy, am I paying for it now. I put myself through nursing school because I wasn’t eligible for student loans because of those pesky debts from what I like to call “my stupid years”.  With kids and a demanding job, I needed a dependable vehicle. Don’t get me wrong. I was raised with the mentality that “if it has 4 wheels and runs, then it will get you to where you are going”. But I for one didn’t want to be stranded on the side of the road with 3 screaming kids. I’ve been there…it is no fun!
So, I searched and searched for somewhere that would just give me a chance. I am a responsible adult who pays my bills. I am working very hard to clear up the mistakes of my past. Just someone, anyone, give me a chance. After months of looking I talked to a guy who said his car dealership had a special program for people with less than perfect credit. I went in and sat down with him. He made me feel like for once I wasn’t a horrible person because I had a horrible credit score. We went and looked at cars and for the first time since high school, I had the potential to own a new car…still had the warranty on it. Warranty? What’s that? 

I was on cloud nine. Test drove the car and fell in love with it. It was so much better than what I had ever had before. After discussing all the ins and outs we sat down to talk numbers. I gave him a price that I knew I could afford for a payment. He got on the phone with this “great company” to see what they could do. After days of negotiating he offered me a number. It was about 50 dollars more a month than I originally wanted to pay, but I was sold. I came in and signed on the dotted line and she was mine!
Happily ever after right? WRONG!!
That was about 18 months ago. I have had nothing but trouble from this great company since I signed. Shortly after getting my car I lost my job. Now, before you say it, I know this is not the loan company’s fault. And I am definitely not trying to blame them. I still managed to make payments during my period of unemployment. The payments just weren’t on time. This is when the problem started. I always called and tried to notify someone when my payment was going to be late. And every time, I was assured that it was ok if my payment was late and they always made sure to tell me that I would have late charges on my account. I understand that. Since I am back to work now, making my payments has gotten easier. I now can make them on time. So, what is the problem then?
The problem is that if I want to ensure that my payment is made on time I will need to call the company and pay over the phone, either by check or debit/credit card. No big deal usually. I pay most of my bills this way. The problem is that they charge me an additional $15 for using this service. I have a problem with this. Why is it so much to use this service? It is ridiculous. So, of late to avoid the fee to use their automated service, I have been mailing in my payment via check in the good ole’ snail mail. My payment is due on the 5th of every month. I have noticed that my statements I get every month always have a different amount due??? So, I investigated. And you know what? I am still getting charged late fees. I wasn’t sure why since I was sending in my payment with plenty of time for them to get it and process it. I thought I would test it and see exactly how long.

This last month I sent in my payment on the 15th of September. This payment was for the one that is due on October 5th. We’re looking at approx. 3 weeks for them to get my payment. I have checked my bank account every day since mailing it to see just when it is posted on my account. Today, October 8th, it finally was posted to my account. So, it took them 23 days to receive my check??? I then logged onto their website to view my account, and whadda know…I have late fees on my November balance because it shows I was 3 days late making my payment. This to me just seems so wrong. 
I called their customer service number today. After waiting about an hour and a half, I finally got to talk to a real person. And I was told in not so many words that I am pretty much out of luck. That if I would utilize their automated service I could ensure that my payment is received on time and I wouldn’t have any late fees. I told them that I didn’t feel that I should have to pay an additional 15 dollars every month just to pay my bill. I was then told “well then why are you calling complaining, if you don’t want to help yourself we aren’t going to help you either”.
I am utterly disgusted at this scam. It is clear that they are intentionally holding payments and then waiting until the account is past due before processing. This just isn’t right.
So, I want to emphasize to those of you who are looking into getting a new car in the future, and who are like me with less than desirable credit. Please investigate the company that you will have your loan through. Do not take the word of a salesman that they are a good company. Research the company, call them and ask them about late fees. Ask them if they charge to make an online or over the phone payment. These little fees add up. Trust me. You can never be too informed.
Now I am on the lookout to find a company who will refinance my car. One who has better customer service than what I am dealing with now and one who doesn't shun me because of my credit score…this should be interesting!
Until next time

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

When Disaster Strikes, You Find Out How RICH You Are

It has been a little while since my last post. I apologize for that. I have been overwhelmed with life here lately.

I have let so many little things in my life dictate my happiness.  I let others hate and anger influence my life. I let my own anger seep out. I had a wake-up call last week. I was given a reminder on just how short life is and how precious family and friends are in a time of need.

Last week, a couple of very dear friends of mine lost their home to a fire. It was deemed a complete loss. They were left with literally nothing but the clothes on their backs. Thank God that no one was home and that they still have their family together. My heart has hurt for them. Not because they lost material things of this world. But, because as a mom I cannot even begin to imagine what they are going through with their children. Their toys, pajamas, beds, pets…all gone.

How as a parent do you explain this to your little ones? I have worked with local Red Cross and Salvation Army branches to offer some support, but it just feels like it isn’t enough. They are broke…but not financially. Their spirit is broken. I am sure they feel defeated and scared. There have been many people who have offered their support to this family. I have been blessed that God has allowed me to witness this generosity. Complete strangers are giving money and clothing to a family they know nothing about; only knowing that they are in need.  

This won’t be a long post, but I just want to be a reminder to all of you. Are you doing your part? Are you being a light in this world of darkness? Are you being a reminder to everyone that there still are good people in this world who care? If you can’t answer yes to these questions, please take a moment and evaluate what you can be doing differently. I will be praying for you.


Anyone interested in helping the family can contact me at and I will be glad to give you more information.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thankful for What I DO HAVE

Christmas shopping…oh how I despise thee. Let me count the ways!

For those of you who don’t pay much attention, there are less than 100 days until Christmas. That’s a whopping 14 weeks to get your butts in gear and prepare for it.

As a kid, I used to LOVE this time of year. Putting up the tree and making a list of things I want. Getting presents, did I mention getting presents?

As an adult, it is almost the exact opposite. I always put emphasis on the reason we celebrate Christmas in my home. That it is about Jesus. I don’t make my kids go without presents, but I also don’t spend thousands. That is just ridiculous

I want my children to have nice things, all parents do. But more than that I want them to have a sense of morals. I do not want to raise children who think that the world owes them something. There are enough of those kinds of heathens running around as it is. I want children who are respectful and thankful for the things that they have in this life. For there are so many that do not have anything. I read a friends Facebook post this morning and she was emphasizing that not one of us should complain about any hardships that we might be enduring. That somewhere in the world there are people who are fighting to live. Struggling to find food and water and the basic necessities that we all take for granted. It made me realize that I have been blessed more than I deserve. I have a roof over my head, a job, I live in the greatest country in this world, I have freedom of religion and speech. Reading that was very humbling. Sometimes we forget, or I know I do, that we have so much.  I heard a song on the radio this morning that fits this subject well. The lyrics said “I don’t want to gain the world and lose my soul”.  Priorities.

This year I think that I am going to let my kids pick a charity or foundation and we will be making a donation at Christmas. I want them to do their part. To be a shining light for someone who has been living in darkness.   This will be their contribution to teach them that not everyone in this world has a life like theirs. And that somewhere some child is wishing for just a fraction of what they have and take for granted on a daily basis.

I am challenging each and every one of you to do the same. It doesn't even have to be money that you give. Sometimes sacrificing your time is more important than money could ever be. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, give your old winter coats to those less fortunate than you; Do something!! Don't let this opportunity to be a blessing to someone else go by. You never know what just a small contribution to you can mean to someone else.

So, I will leave you today with these thoughts to chew on and a scripture for you to look up. Acts 20:35.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm thankful that a reality check is FREE

It was recently brought to my attention that there of some of my "so called friends" who think that it is their business to talk about me and my financial problems. Let me just clear the air...You don't know me; nor do you have any right to judge me and my situation!

For starters, I think it is just plain rude to talk about someone’s life struggles. You think I make good money for just sitting on my butt? You know nothing about me then...NOTHING!! 

I am a very open book and have put my life and my struggles out here for all to see. That does not mean that it is ok for you to belittle me. Like I said you don’t know me. You have no idea how much my paychecks are every payday. You don't know what I owe and who I make payments to. You know none of this, yet you still think it is ok to talk down about me. It is not ok!

These were my thoughts this weekend. I had so much anger at these people that I was a ticking bomb. I realize that I opened myself up to criticism by blogging about my life. And after a lot of praying and time alone I am thankful that I have "fake friends" in my life. Not only did they show their true colors and prevent me from ever trusting them again. But they helped me to see who I never want to become. I never want to be the kind of friend who is comfortable talking behind your back.

For those of you who know me personally know that I have always been very outspoken and not afraid to say what I am thinking. As a friend, I would never betray my friends trust by slandering them. That is not what friendship is about.

There are enough cruel people in this world; I don't need people like that in my life. So, after a thorough cleaning out of my "friends" list and some chocolate :), I am feeling much better.

Friendly word of advice, if you wouldn't want it done to you; don't do it to someone else! The Golden Rule definitely applies here.

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Pay Day Loans Are Cuss Words.

Payday loans. Those two words should be inducted into the cuss word hall of fame. 

These lovely little soul-trapping schemes are enough to make a person who is in debt want to scream.

I don’t knock anyone who uses them; I have been there myself-numerous times. But I want to make sure everyone out there is aware that these life-sucking soulless places are not your friend.

I recently had to take out a payday loan for $500. Hey! Don't judge, it was that or not have electric and food. So, when I signed my name 12 times and initialed on the page in 3 spots (not exaggerating) I knew that this was going to be rough. Rough doesn't even begin to describe it.

Somewhere in the fine print I am pretty sure they require a pint of blood and your firstborn as part of their “convenient repayment plan”.

For the $500 I borrowed I now am making 6 payments of $157.50 which totals to $945 at the end of my loan. That should be illegal.

These places prey upon people with bad credit and those who live paycheck to paycheck. I understand that a business is out to make money, but that much???

And what happens when you are late on a payment, oh they just tack a lovely late fee onto the end of your loan. If you miss a payment altogether, you better hope and pray that you have the funds to just move to Mexico.

I wouldn't recommend missing a payment for any reason, not only will they process your check through your bank, which will bounce. Then your bank will come after you for writing bad checks. No joke, you could end up in jail all because you broke down and took out a payday loan.

Here is my advice to anyone who might be considering one of these types of loans…DON’T! See if you can borrow some money from family or friends. Call the places you have bills through and see if you can postpone payments or make smaller ones instead of taking out a loan.

If you don't have these options available to you, don’t be afraid to call around to the different loan places. A lot of them will offer no interest on first time customers, or if you have been there before for returning.

Just remember, your debt does not define who you are. It is just a reminder of bad choices that hopefully you have learned from.

Until next time…
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