Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rubber Checks are no good....Wise up Deadbeats!

Today, I am writing about a subject that might make some of you uncomfortable, or even offend you. If that is the case, put on your big girl panties and deal with it

Yes, we have established that I am broke; owe lots of money to lots of people. But I think that I am an ok individual. Take that back, I know I am ok. I look around the county that I live in and see so many people who are in the same boat as me. But there is a difference between them and me. I am broke and have morals and class. Sadly, there are some who do not. 

Here is my motto for how I live much of my life; if you can’t afford it, then you can’t afford it. I get so mad when I see all these deadbeats who have warrants out for their arrest for writing bad checks. Didn't someone ever tell them how irresponsible that was? I realize that the majority of these people don't care that this makes them look ridiculous. But most of these people have children. For goodness sake, you know how embarrassing that must be to have your mugshot plastered on the internet all because you decided to be an irresponsible adult. Grow up! Not only do you have to deal with the repercussions of this, but so do your kids. They have to go to school and here other kids make fun of them because their parents decided to act like deadbeats.  

What’s even sadder is that a lot of these people are in denial. They seemed to have forgotten that their hand is the one that signed those bad checks. I love hearing them talk in the grocery store about it, when they think no one else is listening. I hear “oh it was a mistake and I made the sheriffs dept. fix it”. LOL Really? Then why did they have your mugshot to begin with? Oh they must’ve followed you around and snapped one of you right? 

Geez. It is people like this who give the rest of us broke folks a bad name. I am not saying that I have never had an overdraft at the bank. But I have never denied it, and I have always brought my account into good standing. People need to realize that every decision and choice you make in this life have consequences. It is sad that some seem to think that this world owes them. 

Here is my advice to you: The world does not revolve around you; nor does anyone owe you anything! You want something in this life you work for it and earn it. Pay your bills! Don't overextend yourself. And most of all, be the kind of person that your kids are proud to call their parents
Again, if this offended anyone it wasn't intended to, it was my rant for the day!

Until next time….

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